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Scholarship Opportunities Available for Stem Women

The Space Coast Chapter of Women In Defense was founded January 21, 2013. In our seventh full year of operations, we have grown substantially thanks to those that share their time supporting this organization.

The Space Coast Chapter provides networking and professional development opportunities to promote the role of women in national defense and security, to support military service members, and to encourage partnerships within the local contractor community, defense industry and military personnel.

The Space Coast is a gateway to the wonders of science and unending possibilities. We are home to industry leaders with significant operations. Our military presence includes Patrick Space Force Base, Cape Canaveral Air Force Station and the Naval Ordnance Test Unit (NOTU) as well as many private companies, such as SpaceX.

Our diverse economy is comprised of private space and defense companies with lucrative government contracts. We excel in intelligence, surveillance, aircraft, reconnaissance, missiles and launch assets. We also provide combat capabilities through launch, range and expeditionary operations.

We are considered the world’s premier gateway to space and we have seen great growth in the space and defense economy. Our production includes vehicle, satellite, missile and aircraft manufacturing. We also test missiles and assemble and launch vehicles.

The Space Coast is booming thanks to space and defense companies that offer high-paying tech jobs, a rich supply chain and talent pool that are key drivers in our industry businesses.

In the past seven years we have awarded more than $25,000 in scholarships to local young women.

–Sandy Pfrimmer, President, Space Coast Chapter, October 2020

Phone: 321-433-5570P. O. Box 144, Cocoa, FL 32923

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