City of Cape Canaveral Mission Statement
The Mission of the City of Cape Canaveral government is to provide excellence in municipal services by supporting a high quality of life, fiscal responsibility and environmental stewardship, while celebrating diversity and fostering innovation.
Cost Vs Benefit
Where appropriate and feasible, the City of Cape Canaveral (City) is utilizing and expanding its use of
renewable energy. Renewable energy is defined as energy that comes from natural sources or
processes that are constantly replenished.
The C5 solar array is offsetting about 54% of the building’s annual energy consumption, saving roughly $12,000
each year in utility costs. Over the system’s 25-year lifespan, it is estimated that the system will save the City’s
taxpayers over $300,000 in electrical utility costs and abate over 1,325 tons of carbon dioxide
emissions, equivalent to 19,880 tree seedlings being grown for a decade.