Free Theatre of Brevard first production opens Saturday
This weekend, Free Theatre of Brevard will present "Patient A," a play by playwright Lee Blessing about a young Florida woman who contracted the AIDS virus from a health professional.
After retiring from Eastern Florida State College, director Janet Rubin is "following her passion" by founding The Free Theatre of Brevard.
"The plays we want to produce are especially needed at this time in our community. We have seen how theater may catalyze constructive dialogue and healthy connection." Rubin said.
'Patient A' is based on a real-life story and "centers on the life and death of Kimberly Bergalis, the 23 year-old Florida woman who died of AIDS after being infected by her dentist."
"The name of the company is the Free Theatre of Brevard because we don't want anybody not to be able to see a show because they don't have the money for it." Rubin said. Donations will fund the troupe, she said."Nothing is too small; nothing is too big,"
Performances are at 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. Saturday and at 2 p.m. Sunday at Eastminster Presbyterian Church,