The Department of Planning & Sustainability is a small department within the City of Satellite Beach, which manages our Sustainable Satellite Program.
Annual Sea Oat Plantings
The City of Satellite Beach began its annual sea oat planting program in 2022. This is a community engagement activity in which volunteers are encouraged to come out and plant sea oats along the City’s dune system.
Sea oats play a vital role for dunes through their extensive fibrous roots that together form a type of lattice-work. Winds cause sand to collect around the base of the plants which in turn increase the expansion of both the dunes and the plants. Dunes function as the first line of defense again wave energy and flooding through propagating new growth via underground rhizomes. The goal of this annual event is to inform the public on the critical importance of maintaining healthy sand dunes, while aiding in the stability of our local beaches. Seat oats are protected by law, it is illegal to pick or tamper with sea oats.
Seed Harvesting Program
Many species of vegetation that inhabit coastal strands are threatened or imperiled. The City of Satellite Beach is working collaboratively to ensure that biodiversity remains a priority to the areas of conservation within the City. Through a seed harvesting program which began in 2006, a small percentage of sea oats and other native plant seeds are collected by hand via a Department of Environmental Protection permit, and grown in a nursery. The City in return will receive back a percent of the plants grown, or other native plants to enhance native diversity.
Monofilament Tube Program
The City has partnered with Brevard County Natural Resources and Berkley Conservation Institute to collect and recycle used monofilament fishing line.
Each year thousands of animals in Brevard County become entangled in discarded fishing gear. From birds to sea turtles, manatees to foxes wildlife encountering entanglements continue to rise. Only a small portion of these animals receive help in time to make a recovery, so it is up to us to be more vigilant on proper disposal and recycling of monofilament.
Only monofilament can be recycled, this does NOT include braided line. The City collects and weighs the monofilament before sending it all out for recycling. Metrics will be collected and added to the website annually.
To learn more about our Sustainability programs, projects, and initiatives, please visit our Sustainable Satellite page.
Follow this link for all booking needs with the Sustainability Department. This includes ecotours, LOGOS garden rentals, Samsons Island workdays, oyster monitoring, tree planting, and MORE! Please be mindful not all activities are available all year round. CLICK HERE FOR BOOKING
Office Location:530 Cinnamon Blvd, Satellite Beach, FL 32937
Phone: (321) 428-2546
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9am-5pm