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WFIT's Local News update November 22, 2024 PM

 Florida Springs Council sues FDEP — again

 The Florida Department of Environmental Protection is facing a new lawsuit from the Florida Springs Council.

The nonprofit is seeking a court order to force F-D-E-P to finally propose new rules to better protect Florida’s freshwater springs.

It’s been almost nine years since a 2016 state law directed FDEP to adopt new, more protective rules for pumping groundwater from 30 Outstanding Florida Springs … These are 30 **specific freshwater springs, out of the state’s more than a thousand, designated as valuable water resources in need of extra protection.

 But many Outstanding Florida Springs are highly polluted … And Florida Springs Council Executive Director Ryan Smart says allowing big corporations and utilities to pump springs dry won’t help.

 “If you want to restore a spring system's water quality … There's really no way to do it simply by reducing pollution. Part of the answer is gonna **have to be increasing flow.”

 The nonprofit’s lawsuit against FDEP is moving forward, per an order issued this week by a Hernando County judge. FDEP says it won’t comment on pending litigation.

 Pride Chamber In Orlando wants to give more LGBTQ people the tools they need to open a business in 2025

 The Pride Chamber in Orlando is rolling out an academy in 2025 that will train LGBTQ college students and professionals in the basics of opening and maintaining a business.

The Chamber’s Vinnie Silber [Sill-burr] says that the academy will be yearlong, from January to December of 2025.

He says the goal is to encourage and support more LGBTQ people in the Orlando area, including Gen Z college students, to launch their business in the new year.

“It's a 12 week program that meets once a week, on Tuesdays, and classes range from everything from people leadership and management skills to public speaking, foundations of business planning, financial management for beginners.”

The program will also provide participants with access to Pride Chamber events, including opportunities to find mentors and to network in an LGBTQ-friendly environment.

 Matt Gaetz says he will not return to Congress

Former U.S. Representative Matt Gaetz has announced he will not return to Congress. In his first public remarks since withdrawing from consideration as President-elect Donald Trump’s nominee for Attorney

General, the Florida Republican confirmed his decision on Friday.

 Gaetz’s nomination faced scrutiny due to allegations of sexual misconduct and illicit drug use, which were under investigation by the House Ethics Committee.

Leaked committee documents revealed $10,000 in payments Gaetz made to two women who testified during the investigation.

Gaetz stated that while he believed the Senate would eventually support his nomination, the process would have taken too long.

Iconic Brevard bar Lou's Blues is up for sale. What does this mean for the legendary spot?

 Lou’s Blues Bar & Grill is up for sale, the current owner accepted an offer and a contract is in place.

 According to the current owner Michael Pauline “The (sale) closing won’t even happen until late to mid-May, if it even happens at all.”

 From now until about March, the potential new owners are doing their own research to determine if they want to proceed with the sale.

 If the current offer on the table does go through, it is only for the building. Not the business.

Pauline said his hope is to lease the building back for about two-and-a-half to three years and continue operating Lou’s Blues as is.

 More: www.floridaytoday.com

Terri Wright held the position of General Manager at WFIT from 1998-2023.