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Want to Volunteer for the WFIT Fund Drive?

WFIT's Fall Fund Drive is set for 7 am Monday, September 27th through 7pm Sunday, October 3rd. Get in on the fun & discover the insider's view of what happens during a fund drive by answering phones as our listeners call in with their pledge of support.

Interested? You can volunteer as an individual, with a friend or as a representative of an organization. Make sure Mary Berlin has you on her e-mail list. E-mail Mary Berlin at mberlin@fit.edu, or call us at 321-674-8950. We look forward to hearing from you!

In June 2021, Sky became the Director of Gifts and Outreach. She manages individual listener support for WFIT, develops and executes new giving initiatives, maintains a specialized donor database, prepares and distributes a monthly e-newsletter, and manages reservations and payments for special events.