Public Radio for the Space Coast
Coastal Connection

Cyber Security Topic at Tech Talk-February 10th Henegar Center

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  Tech Talk  February 10, 2017 8 pm featuring Dr. Cliff Bragdon will discuss transportation and mobility.

Mobility is a vital part of our genetic code. However, impaired logistical movement is leading to global gridlock and the onset of a major decline affecting the world’s gross domestic product (GDP). Global survival is in the balance, and resilience must be restored to insure that our society is safe, secure, healthy, and sustainable. Come to this insightful talk by guest speaker Cliff Bragdon to hear about the challenges and resilient measures that are essential for our economic success and social well-being.

Join us for lively discussion and learn about the challenges we face.  Tickets $10 adults $7 students

(321) 723-8698   CTS info

Terri Wright held the position of General Manager at WFIT from 1998-2023.