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SCPA Voter Freedom What the Moores Died for

Harriette and Harry Moore were murdered in Mims in 1951
because they stood up for voting rights and civil rights for
all Floridians. Please join us for a Zoom event at 6:30pm
on Thursday, March 3rd to hear this remarkable story from
Sonya Mallard, Cultural Center Coordinator of The Moore
Center. If you think that you know this story, think again.
Racism and hatred runs deep in the history of our
state. As Europeans arrived in Florida 500 years ago, they
brought centuries of bloodlust with them. The Spanish,
English, and French battled each other for control of these
shores. Through disease and conquest, they literally
exterminated the indigenous people who had flourished
here for millenia.
Once Africans were kidnapped and dragged to the New
World, a new chapter of intense racism unfolded across
our nation. Slavery tore our nation apart, and almost ended
The American Experiment. Despite the freedoms earned
during America’s Civil War, life continued to be brutally
dangerous and unfair for black people in the South for
the next century.
For much of the 20th Century, Florida, and specifically
Brevard County, was a remarkably racist place.
Racially motivated violence against, and murders
of innocent black people were routine, and
justice was rare.
A young couple of brave and intelligent school teachers
named Harriette and Harry Moore built their home in Mims,
and struggled against the bigotry and hate that they faced
simply by registering black voters and working for the most
basic civil rights. They paid for their courage and sacrifice
with their lives.

 Sonya Mallard
is the Cultural Center Coordinator,
for the Harry T. and Harriette V.
Moore Memorial Park Museum.
She is also a Community Activist
with more than thirty years of
experience in Motivational Speaking, HIV Awareness and Testing,
Civic Engagement, and Mentoring. She is known for
speaking about the Legacy of the Moores as Black civil rights
activists in Florida, Keeping It Real, Knowledge is Power,
and so much more.
Her greatest fulfillment comes when her students,
clients, and audience members act and make meaningful changes that transform their health,
relationships, work, mind, and spiritual lives.
She is a Blogger for the Well Project – Voices
from our Allies – and also writes for Ebony
News Today and other newspapers

FREE and open to the public.
Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89091950550
ID: 89091950550
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