Free info sessions will be held October 13th at 3:00 pm and 14th at 6:00 pm
Invasive Alternatives:Winning the Battle Against Invasive Plants
2745 South Babcock St Melbourne FL 32901 Florida’s unique climate and growing conditions allow for a huge variety of exotic plants to thrive. While some are well behaved in the home landscape, many garden favorites are actually invasive species. These “invaders” pose a threat to our native plants and natural ecosystems. In this presentation, Florida Wildflower Foundation Executive Director Stacey Matrazzo will go over some of the invasive species commonly used in home landscapes, and offer suggestions for suitable native plants to use in their place.Attendance is free although Eventbrite tickets are required.To attend in person please get your ticket on Eventbrite-Invasive AlternativesThe event will also be lived streamed via YouTube Conradina Chapter FNPS
Saturday Oct 26, 2024
9:00am - 4:00pm
15th Annual Landscaping with Florida Natives Tour
Tickets available on Eventbrite for our 15th Annual Landscaping with Florida Natives Tour
Please come join us for the 15th Annual Landscaping with Florida Natives Tour to observe and explore wonderful native plant landscapes at a variety of locations. This year there is an emphasis on homes in HOA’s with five of the six homes in HOA’s and one public space for you to tour and learn about Florida native plants. The tour is a fabulous look at what homeowners have done using native plants in different situations.
Native plants are important to preserve our wildlife, pollinators and local heritage as well as requiring much less maintenance, water, and fertilizer, which benefits our local environment and the Indian River Lagoon.
Please come see how easy it is to use native plants and help make a difference in your yard!
visit to see photographs of each garden, read extensive garden descriptions, and download plant lists.