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Evans Library Looks Ahead to 2058

A chance to gaze into the future with experts in the fields of meterology, chemistry, space science and so much more as Evans Library presents another in their series; "Library After Hours".  

2058: A Look Into The Future

Friday, September 28, 2018
6:30 – 8:00 p.m.
Evans Library, First Floor

On the 60th Anniversary of Florida Tech, join us for an evening gazing 40 years into the future to Florida Tech's 100th Anniversary.
Talks by FIT professors in Science, Technology and the Arts.

Dr. Gordon Patterson is the emcee.  Joel Olson, Steven Lazurus, Rasoul Rasheed and Keith Gallagher are the presenters.

The genesis of the evening came in Linda and Nancy's discovery of a book entitled "Toward the Year 2018" that was published in 1968.   They thought it would be interesting to look forward 40 years to the university's centenary year of 2058 and speculate on what lies ahead.   More information

My thoughts on "predicting the future" are summed up in these quotations:

"This is the first age that's ever paid much attention to the future, which is a little ironic since we may not have one."  Arthur C. Clarke

"He who lives by the crystal ball soon learns to eat ground glass."   Edgar R. Fiedler  The Three Rs of Economic Forecasting---Irrational, Irrelevant and Irreverent 

Terri Wright held the position of General Manager at WFIT from 1998-2023.