One of Todd Kennedy's last actions as Program Director at WFIT was adding Very Cool and Good to the lineup of an already stellar roster of quality radio programming for the Space Coast.
Here's a list of bangers that came out this year for your listening pleasure, as heard on ♪Very Cool and Good♪
(Release Artist)
Desert Mirror Nico Georis
In These Times Makaya McCraven
Perform the Compositions of Sam Wilkes & Jacob Mann Sam Wilkes & Jacob Mann
Magic Pony Ride µ-Ziq
Nisemono Ginger Root
Penta Fest Luzius Schuler
Cherry Daphni
Fresh Fruit For Rotting Vegetables (2022 Mix) Dead Kennedys
Free Time Jerry Paper
Digital Roses Don't Die Big K.R.I.T.
[Warning: Language]
Tropical Dancer Charlotte Adigéry & Bolis Pupul
NOT TiGHT DOMi & JD BECK & Herbie Hancock
Come! See!! M|O|O|N
home Two Shell
Park Your Car On My Face Louis Cole
[Warning: Language]
Impossible Isle Sunset Rollercoaster / never young beach
Semblance MorMor
Arrangements Preoccupations
Why Not?/Montara Kiefer
Shadows Leap Surface to Air Missive