Brevard Fire Rescue Handles Three Structure Fires in Less Than Five Minutes in Cocoa
Brevard County Fire Rescue faced a challenging and rapid sequence of emergencies, responding to three structure fire calls within less than five minutes. Among these was a significant second-alarm fire in Cocoa, which demanded extensive resources and coordination.
The response included multiple fire engines and several rescue units Specialized support from Hazmat 1 and Districts leadership were also dispatched. The Titusville Fire Department joined the response team to bolster the efforts further.
The fires destroyed two modular homes and a travel trailer. Remarkably, despite the intensity of the incidents and the damage sustained, there were no injuries reported.
Florida Coral Rescue Center
The Florida Coral Rescue Center in Orlando aims to rescue coral from the Florida reef track and help them reproduce. Coral is a living organism that's critical to our ocean's health.
But rising water temperatures and disease are putting coral in jeopardy.
The Florida Coral Rescue Center aquarium supervisor Justin Zimmerman said, "We're learning how these corals reproduce daily. We're seeing some of this for the first time.”
In one night, coral can spawn tens of thousands of larvae, but there's absolutely no room to raise all those babies.
“We were able to take some of the surplus coral and move that to sea world property so our guests can come to the park and now see the coral and be educated on the Florida reef track and the importance of the coral we take are of," Zimmerman said.
This coral will also eventually be returned to the ocean. The question is when.
That's why having a coral nursery like this is more important than ever. If they can successfully spawn a genetic variety of coral, it can hopefully thrive in the harsh ocean environment.
Are turn signals mandatory.
Many drivers in Florida don’t use their turn signals. Are they breaking the law? WFIT’s Rick Glasby tells us what Florida law says about the use of turn signals on the road:
The use of turn signals is required, and drivers can be fined if they don’t use them. The law states: “A signal of intention to turn right or left must be given continuously during not less than the last 100 feet traveled by the vehicle before turning.” And you can’t claim an electrical problem prevented you from signally. Hand signals are just fine. Stick your left arm straight out the window to signal a left turn. To indicate a right turn, bend your arm up toward the sky.
There’s an exception for bicyclists. If you need both arms to properly control your bike, you don’t have to signal.
FHP Plans Extra Patrols Over Next Week
Extra state troopers will be patrolling Florida roads this weekend and over the New Year’s holiday, with an estimated 6.4 million Floridians driving more than 50 miles from home this week.
Florida Highway Patrol statistics show there were more than 33 thousand crashes, and hundreds of deaths on Florida roads last December.
Many of those accidents and deaths were caused by drugs and alcohol.
FHP Lieutenant Jim Beauford says people should get plenty of rest before driving, expect delays on the roads and have a plan to get home if they are going to drink.
“Just remember that everyone is in it together. It’s one of those things where we are all going to get to our destinations safely if we all work together. Be a little bit patient on the roadways. Make sure you are using your turn signals. Just be courteous when you are out there.”
Beauford says anyone who suspects they see a drunk driver on the road can call Star FHP (*FHP) so a trooper can be looking for the car.